I Drank Only Water For 1 Week, Here's What Happened

Описание к видео I Drank Only Water For 1 Week, Here's What Happened

We can all agree that flavored beverages taste great.

But what about water? Water remains to be a luxury that most people take for granted.

As one of the most abundantly available resources, there should be no reason why water takes the backseat.

Not only that but it’s also one of the best remedies to several heart concerns that occur in our body due to the intake of those unhealthy, flavored drinks.

Packed with an unbelievable amount of sugar, heaps of preservatives, and a ridiculous number of sugar additives, it’s safe to say that these beverages do so much harm to the body than we realize.

Ever wondered what would happen if you stop drinking those drinks and replace them all with water in just a week?

Will your skin and hair look healthier?

Find out about this and many more in this video.

Better detoxification
Water is one of the best detoxifiers that you can easily get your hands on, plus the cheapest too.

When the body has enough supply of water, it functions better when transporting nutrients to each cell, flushing out toxic wastes, improving digestive abilities, and keeping the kidneys healthy.

With healthy kidneys, waste and toxins are regularly released from the body, preventing any build-up.

So, try replacing all other drinks with water for 7 days and be prepared for a great surprise.

Increased metabolism rate
Your kidneys play a huge role and these organs rely on water to function properly.

If there’s a lack of water, the kidneys might not function well, which can put pressure on the liver to do the job of releasing toxins.

While the liver functions on behalf of the kidney, its original job of metabolizing the stored fat into energy would be overlooked.

In case you don’t know, a lower metabolism rate is bad for the body and can result in detrimental health consequences.

Healthier hair and skin
Did you know that the hair gets dehydrated too?

When this happens, it leads to various issues like hair fall, dandruff, and dullness of the hair.

Thus, it’s extremely important to keep your hair hydrated and you can do that by drinking water only.

The same goes for your skin.

Drinking only water for 1 week will surely keep the skin hydrated and eliminates problems like dullness and flakiness.

Enhanced cognitive abilities
Replacing all other drinks with water has a significant effect on a person’s cognitive ability.

Brain functioning depends greatly on water intake, so any lack of it may trigger headaches, brain fatigue, and even memory loss.

That’s because the brain itself is made up of 85% water, hence, it’s an absolute necessity to keep it functioning well.

Switching to just water will boost your brain function, focus, and memory.

Improved calorie control
Drinking more water when dieting is an antiquated practice.

For several years, drinking tons of water is one of the best weight loss techniques.

By replacing other beverages with just water, you can effectively curb your calorie intake and in turn, helps you lose weight.

Moreover, an increased hydration level results in better metabolism, which again, aids in weight loss.

Now, are you ready to strictly go water only? Share your thoughts below. -

ℹ️ Medical Disclaimer: https://pastebin.com/s0cHYHvf


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