Open Your Stroke Hand

Описание к видео Open Your Stroke Hand

Is your hand and fingers curled up into a fist after you had a stroke? If you want to be able to open that up then you need to watch this video.

A few weeks or months after you had a stroke, your arm will start to become Spastic. Your arm will either be bent from the elbow or straight. But the hand and fingers will most likely be curled up and turned into a fist and it’s difficult to open up. It is important for you to ask your occupational therapist to help you in opening up that hand And stretch the wrist into neutral position.
And on your own you can also do this stretching exercises in the comfort of your home.

Although the goal is to open your hand, we need to mobilize and stretch the entire arm starting from the shoulder so that it will be easier for you to open that hand.
So the first Exercise is to massage your chest muscles. You start from the middle going out towards towards a shoulder joint. Do this for about a minute or so.
Next exercises to stretch the shoulder to open the under arm. Support the elbow of your stroke on with your good hand. Lean forward and stretch the shoulder to open up from the under arm. Do that 10 times.
Next is to relax the elbow. If your elbow is bent, you would want your elbow to go straight. You will have to brush or swipe the backside of your arm a few times. He will also want to relax the tendon of the muscle that is tight. Just grab that muscle and go back-and-forth gently. If your arm is tight In a straight position, do you want to be able to bend it. With this you want to swipe or brush your biceps muscle And then gently bend your arm from the elbow.
Next exercise is forearm rolling. We need to do that so that your head will supinate or face up. This way it will be easier for you to access your hand. Roll your forearm 10 times.
Next, we need to facilitate the reflex to open that hand. We need to brush or swipe the hand a few times. This will make it easier for you to open the hand and stretch it out. Do this 10 to 15 times.
Now let’s open your hand. We need to dig from the wrist joint with your fingers and extend your thumb. After extending your thumb hold it with your thumb and index finger of your good hand and insert your middle finger and ring finger through your fingers followed by your son then stretch that hand and fingers open from the fingertips. Do this slowly so that it won’t rebound and close back up quickly like a rubber band. Once you’re able to do that whole deposition for 30 seconds. I‘s if you are also able to pull further down which slowly stretches your elbow to straight position, do that as well.

Another way is to use the edges of the table. Sit towards the corner of the table with your stroke arm closest to it. Again let’s try to open your hand with your thumb first because that is the key. So your stroke arm is still closed using your middle and index finger extend that some slowly then hold that thumb towards extension with your ring and little finger and slide your arm and hand towards the edge of that table. Insert your index and middle finger through your stroke fingers and slowly slide it towards the edge on your table. If your elbow is bent and is difficult to get it straight, massage that area that feels tight. Go back and forth for 30 seconds and massage it as well. This time let’s try to stand up your elbow might still be tight here so slowly get up and with your good hand bring your elbow up getting your arms straight. Hold this for about a minute. Make sure that you have a chair behind you so that you’re able to sit down if your legs are getting tired. Just do the same process a few times every day.

This video should not replace the necessity of visiting your doctor or getting your occupational therapy session done. Please consult your primary care physician before doing any of this. The video is for educational purposes only.

By performing any fitness exercises, you are performing them at your own risk. Skills and wellness will not be responsible or liable for any injury or harm you sustain as a result of our fitness program.

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