Day 5, Part 3 | RHAPSODY OF THE SEAS Parties, food and nightlife as we sail to Aruba | Dec 6&7, 2023

Описание к видео Day 5, Part 3 | RHAPSODY OF THE SEAS Parties, food and nightlife as we sail to Aruba | Dec 6&7, 2023

Fiesta, fiesta y más fiesta mientras nos acercábamos a nuestro último destino, por todos lados se distribuían las risas, el buen ambiente y vida de crucero que se pueda buscar abordo.

Party, party and more party as we approached our final destination, laughter, good atmosphere and the cruise life that one can find on board was everywhere.

#rhapsodyoftheseas #royalcaribbean #bonaire #aruba #sea #mar #cruiselife #party #ocean


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