হিপ জয়েন্ট ব্যথার রোগী ডিপিআরসি থেকে চিকিৎসা নিয়ে এখন কেমন আছেন? DPRC | Dr.Md.Shafiullah Prodhan
Dr. Md. Shafiullah Prodhan, Associate Professor at (IIHS), Ph.D., MS (Disability & Rehabilitation), BSPT (DU), NITOR (Pangu Hospital), is a renowned Rehab Physio specialist in the treatment of pain, paralysis, disability, sports injuries, and arthritis. He is the Chairman & Consultant at DPRC Hospital and a former Lecturer at Bangladesh Medical College. On this channel, Dr. Shafiullah Prodhan shares expert health advice, valuable tips, and insights on managing various health conditions, helping patients recover and improve their quality of life.
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🏥 About DPRC Hospital
DPRC (Dhaka Pain Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation Center) is a trusted leader in non-surgical treatments in Bangladesh, offering world-class physiotherapy care. We specialize in effective, non-invasive treatments for a variety of conditions:
Back Pain
Neck Pain
Hip & Knee Pain
Paralysis Treatment
Arthritis Treatment
PLID (Prolapsed Lumbar Intervertebral Disc)
AVN (Avascular Necrosis)
🔹 Featured Treatments:
Pain Paralysis Treatment | Non-Surgical Pain Treatments | Paralysis & Disability Rehabilitation | Arthritis & Musculoskeletal Conditions
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Keywords: ব্যথা, কোমর ব্যথা, ঘাড় ব্যথা, হাঁটু ব্যথা, প্যারালাইসিস চিকিৎসা, আর্থ্রাইটিস, শারীরিক পুনর্বাসন, অপারেশনবিহীন চিকিৎসা, ফিজিওথেরাপি, PLID চিকিৎসা, AVN চিকিৎসা, pain treatment, paralysis recovery, arthritis pain relief, musculoskeletal conditions, physical therapy, non-surgical treatment, rehabilitation, back pain relief, knee pain treatment, neck pain solution, frozen shoulder.
🚨 Disclaimer:
The information provided here is for educational purposes only. Please consult with a qualified healthcare provider before starting any exercise or treatment plan.
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