Jubilance by William Himes - Tom Hutchinson & Cory Band

Описание к видео Jubilance by William Himes - Tom Hutchinson & Cory Band

“Jubilance” for cornet solo and brass band by American composer William Himes (b. 1949)
Atlikėjai/performer: soloist Tom Hutchinson (UK), principal cornet player of the Cory Band (UK).
Vario dūdų orkestro “Cory Band” dirigentas ir meno vadovas / Cory Band Conductor & Musical Director Philip Harper (UK)

Gala concert at the 3rd International Wind Music Festival „Amber Wind“ in Palanga Concert Hall - 18 May, 2019, Lithuania.
Vaizdo įrašas iš III-iojo Tarptautinio pučiamųjų muzikos festivalio „Amber Wind“ Gala koncerto, vykusio Palangos koncertų salėje 2019.05.18.

This cornet solo was written for Peggy Thomas, principal cornet of the Chicago Staff Band of the Salvation Army. In 1987, Bandmaster, composer and arranger William Himes wrote Jubilance for Chicago Staff Band tour to England and performance in the Royal Albert Hall.
The solo quickly became popular because of its exuberant, fast-paced nature. Melodies such as “Because of You” and “If You Want Joy” are skilfully crafted into one by the composer.

William Himes (b. 1949) is an American composer of works primarily for wind band, specializing in music for young bands. He received his education at the University of Michigan. He has been the music director of the Salvation Army‘s Central Territory since 1977, overseeing their operations throughout the Midwest and conducting the Chicago Staff Band. This band, like much of Himes’s music, has been heard all over the world.

© Video by Kazys Daugėla, 2019, Vilnius, Lithuania


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