1999 Toyota Carina GT | Owner's experience | Daily driven 4age Blacktop | Cars & Conversation

Описание к видео 1999 Toyota Carina GT | Owner's experience | Daily driven 4age Blacktop | Cars & Conversation

Salam everyone! Today we have a very clean Carina GT which is owned by Mr. Salman Qaoser Saad. This is one of the neatest Carina GTs around the city. The car has been in the family since 2008 and carries a lot of memories.


00:00 Intro
05:05 Settling to 4age blacktop
07:20 Experience before and after
08:05 Difference between ti and gt
09:15 Fuel/Servicing/Maintenance
11;45 Pros and cons
14:36 Future plans
15:15 Pull

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