INQA Seminar: Zeynab Kaseb, TU Delft - June 18 2024

Описание к видео INQA Seminar: Zeynab Kaseb, TU Delft - June 18 2024

Title: Beyond Speeding up: Adiabatic Quantum Computing Transforming AC Power Flow Analysis

Abstract: Power flow (PF) analysis is a foundational computational method used to study the flow of power in an electrical network. This analysis involves solving a set of non-linear and non-convex differential-algebraic equations. State-of-the-art solvers for PF analysis face challenges with scalability and convergence, particularly for large-scale and/or ill-conditioned cases characterized by high penetration of renewable energy sources, among others. Recent research has explored speeding up the PF problem using gate-based quantum algorithms, including the HHL algorithm and VQLS. While fault-tolerant quantum hardware can significantly accelerate PF analysis, these methods may still struggle with convergence issues in ill-conditioned power systems, potentially leading to rapid divergence. In this presentation, we demonstrate that with a novel formulation, we can address both the convergence problem and speed up PF analysis using adiabatic quantum computing.


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