A Basic Understanding of Ferdinand de Saussure and Semiotics, Pt. 1 of 2

Описание к видео A Basic Understanding of Ferdinand de Saussure and Semiotics, Pt. 1 of 2

This video is presents a basic understanding of Ferdinand de Saussure and Semiotics.

Peirce, Charles Sanders. (1977). Semiotics and Significs (Ed Charles Hardwick). Bloomington IN: Indiana University Press.

Richter, David H. (2006). The Critical Tradition: Classic Texts and Contemporary Trends. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin's; Third edition (March 22, 2006)

Saussure, Ferdinand de. (1916/1923). Course in General Linguistics.

Tyson, Lois. (2015). Critical Theory Today: A User-Friendly Guide, Second edition. New York: Routledge.

Additional Resources:
Lévi-Strauss, Claude. (1949). The Elementary Structure of Kinship.

Lévi-Strauss, Claude. (1955). The Structural Study of Myth.

Frye, Northrop. (1957). Anatomy of Criticism: Four Essays.

Chomsky, Noam. (1957). Syntactic Structures.

Chomsky, Noam. (1965). Aspects of the Theory of Syntax.

Barthes, Roland. (1964). Critical Essays.

Barthes, Roland. (1964). Mythologies.

Barthes, Roland. (1970). S/Z.

Barthes, Roland. (1977). Image, Music, Text.

Eco, Umberto. (1979). The Role of the Reader.


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