Whispers in the Night: A Demonic Bargain in Silence by Edgar Allan Poe

Описание к видео Whispers in the Night: A Demonic Bargain in Silence by Edgar Allan Poe

Whispers in the Night: A Demonic Bargain in Silence by Edgar Allan Poe

Silence, by Edgar Allan Poe
Read by Sir James Mason

A solitary man confronts a chilling silence, but is it the absence of sound, or something far more sinister? Edgar Allan Poe's "Silence" plunges you into a world where whispers echo in the void and a terrifying bargain hangs heavy in the air. Witness secrets been hidden between the lines, where the price of silence may be more than anyone can bear.

"Listen to me," said the Demon, as he placed his hand upon my head. "There is a spot upon this accursed earth which thou hast never yet beheld And if by any chance thou hast beheld it, it must have been in one of those vigorous dreams which come like the Simoon upon the brain of the sleeper who hath lain down to sleep among the forbidden sunbeams --among the sunbeams, I say, which slide from off the solemn columns of the melancholy temples in the wilderness. The region of which I speak is a dreary region in Libya, by the borders of the river Zaire. And there is no quiet there, nor silence. (...)"


1. This poem was originally published in 1838 as "Siope - A Fable".
2. Visuals are selected and processed from german expressionism films.


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