Best sowing time for Peas (matar, مٹر) in Punjab || Crop Reformer

Описание к видео Best sowing time for Peas (matar, مٹر) in Punjab || Crop Reformer

Peas (Pisum sativum) is one of the most important vegetables of Pakistan and its remains available in the market almost all round the year. In this video, we have suggested the best suited time for profitable cultivation of this crop as vegetable in different peas production districts of Punjab. Very early sowing of peas has been restricted in most parts due to high temperature. Under the scenario of changing climate particularly onset of proper monsoon rainfall this year, it has been suggested that early varieties of Meteor and Lina Pak may be sown during the last week of September in north Punjab, mid October to 1st week of November in the central Punjab and During the entire month of November in the south Punjab.
Peas are considered as very important vegetable crop of Punjab. Its early crop is more profitable. In this video, we have suggested the farmers of Rice zone to plant Peas in moist soil after Rice crop using 80kg to 100kg of seed through broadcast method and avoid irrigation throughout its lifespan. This barani type cultivation of early Peas may fetch enough profit without initiation of foot rot disease of Peas.
Production technology relies heavily on the local weather conditions of an area. Suitable weather conditions support the higher yield and production of different crops. Despite of using lesser amount of fertilizers like dap , sop and urea fertilizer, rain water compensates the deficiency of different major micro nutrients.
To check the weather situation for coming days is not a problem in present days of modern technology. We should pray our Allah for a beneficial rainfall. Farmers are advised to be aware and keep an eye on their local weather forecast by using internet and an authentic and reliable website. In this way, they can schedule their irrigation in line with the weather. Weather on an area plays a key role for better growth and development of a crop because it has its unique acidic qualities and have some essential nutrients present in it along with water.



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