TNO Nation Anthems: Varshavianka (Russian Soviet Republic under Svetlana Bukharina)

Описание к видео TNO Nation Anthems: Varshavianka (Russian Soviet Republic under Svetlana Bukharina)

So some peoples argued that her anthem should be the song of the Warsaw Pact but considering the fact that the pact was never formed due to the Axis and DTK winning WW2, i decided to stick up with warsawianka/varshavianka since it fits her the most

Yes i could have followed the superevent's song being the comintern anthem, but that would be boring. I've also started to bring back background songs for the anthems just like my old vids.

I'm also making a polandball red flood animation based off of l'état irréel/artaud's superevent in-game, stay tuned for that lads!


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