Fangst Brisling No.2 Review | Canned Fish Files Ep. 46

Описание к видео Fangst Brisling No.2 Review | Canned Fish Files Ep. 46

Usually I research the prices of reviewed cans and try to provide a "consensus price" that somebody could reasonably find in acquiring the can. This time I had gotten that price ($6.99) from Caputo's, but I didn't realize they didn't actually have the Fangst in stock. $6.99 is very low compared to what I actually paid for the Fangst sprats, which was $11.00. I got that price from
And so I'm laying this all out for two reasons:
1. Rainbow Tomatoes is, as far as I can tell, the only online retailer offering Fangst products currently, and if you want Fangst delivered to the US, you probably gotta go through them. Tell em I sent you.
2. I feel bad about the fairytale pricing presented in the video because it makes RTG's price look very high, which, although it ain't a cheap can of sprats, ballers in the scene understand the costs involved with importing and selling boutique fish and still eking out a margin that makes it worth anyone's precious freakin time to handle the cans and lovingly pack them into a box for you.
Obviously, this has not led me to re-edit and re-upload the video or anything.... I don't feel that bad!
Thanks, carry on!

Seems like Fangst will be available soon at both Caputo's and Rainbow Tomatoes Garden for $7.99. Yum!

Fangst! I love saying it. Fangst, Fangst, Fangst! 'Cause it sounds like "fangs" ya know? And fangs are so cool. And you also have "angst" in the word. So cool.

On test:
Brisling No.2 Baltic Sea sprat Smoked in Cold-Pressed Rapeseed Oil.


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