TSM Doublelift as Lucian, Draven, Vayne + More - Time Stamps in Description

Описание к видео TSM Doublelift as Lucian, Draven, Vayne + More - Time Stamps in Description

Doublelift Stream: www.twitch.tv/tsm_doublelift
Game 1 Lucian vs Talon - 20:31
Game 2 Draven vs Tristana - 1:01:05
Game 3 Vayne vs Kalista - 1:58:16
Game 4 Kalista vs Lucian - 2:39:48
Game 5 Lucian vs Kennen - 3:24:16
Game 6 Vayne vs Ezreal - 4:16:34
Game 7 Tristana vs Lucian - 5:17:39
Game 8 Kalista vs Lucian - 6:05:04
Game 9 Ezreal vs Lucian - 7:06:38
Game 10 Ezreal vs Lucian - 8:00:53
Game 11 Lucian vs Kalista - 9:08:20
Game 12 Miss Fortune vs Kindred - 9:57:12

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