Klaviyo vs Google Analytics - Making Sense of Attribution

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- In this video, we delve into the intricate world of Klaviyo Attribution Models, with a focus on how it tracks conversions and the nuances that set it apart from Google Analytics. Here are the key points:

How It Tracks Conversions:
Klaviyo attributes conversions to an email or phone number if they have engaged with a message within a specified window and subsequently placed an order. Two critical factors come into play:

Type of Interaction:

Navigating the attribution landscape in scenarios such as multiple emails seen and clicked or multi-channel interactions involves understanding the Last Touch principle and the impact of time windows. Klaviyo's attribution model is detailed, ensuring clarity in various engagement scenarios.

GA vs Klaviyo:
Comparing Klaviyo and Google Analytics, we observe that Klaviyo tends to report higher conversions. This is influenced by factors such as the difference in the analytical scope (GA being multi-channel), the impact of aggressive paid re-marketing ads on Klaviyo attribution, and the underlying mechanisms of tracking (Cookies in GA vs. actual email and phone numbers in Klaviyo).

Key Differences:

Klaviyo tracks on actual email and phone numbers, while GA relies on Cookies.
Klaviyo tracks opens, whereas GA operates at the click level.
Correctly setting up Klaviyo UTM parameters is crucial for accurate reporting.


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