बार बार होने वाले Extra Marital Affairs से कैसे बचे ? जानिये क्या है कारण in Hindi || Dr. Neha Mehta

Описание к видео बार बार होने वाले Extra Marital Affairs से कैसे बचे ? जानिये क्या है कारण in Hindi || Dr. Neha Mehta

Hello Guys, I am Dr. Neha Mehta, I welcome you all to my YouTube channel. I am a Consultant Psychologist based in Hisar, Haryana. Today in this video we will talk about बार बार होने वाले Extra Marital Affairs से कैसे बचे? जानिये क्या है कारण in Hindi || Dr. Neha Mehta

⭐What is an extramarital affair?⭐

An extramarital affair is a sexual relationship between a married person and someone other than their spouse. While there is no definitive definition, an affair usually involves some degree of secrecy and betrayal and can cause pain and hurt for all involved.

If you are considering having an affair, or are already involved in one, there are some things you can do to try and avoid the pain and hurt that comes with it.

⭐Here are some tips:⭐

1. Talk to your partner: If you're feeling unhappy or unsatisfied in your relationship, talk to your partner about it. Honesty is key in any relationship, and communicating your needs is the first step to trying to work on them.

2. Make sure you're really ready: before you enter into an affair, be 100% sure that this is what you want. Ask yourself why you're doing it, and whether or not it's worth the risk.

3. Be honest with yourself: again, honesty is key. Be honest about your feelings, your needs, and what you hope to gain from the affair. This will help you stay level-headed throughout.

4. Set boundaries: before anything happens, agree

⭐Causes of extramarital affair⭐

There are many reasons why people have extramarital affairs. Some of the most common reasons include:

1. Unhappy marriage: If you are unhappy in your marriage, you may be more likely to seek out happiness elsewhere. This can lead to an affair.

2. boredom: If you are bored in your relationship, you may be more likely to seek excitement elsewhere. This can lead to an affair.

3. Lack of communication: If you and your partner are not communicating well, it can lead to feelings of disconnection and resentment. This can lead to an affair.

4. Revenge: If you feel like your partner has wronged you in some way, you may seek revenge by having an affair.

5. Thrill-seeking: Some people simply crave the excitement and thrill of an affair. This can lead to repeated affairs even if they are happy in their marriage overall.

⭐How to deal with the aftermath of an extramarital affair.⭐

If you've been involved in an extramarital affair, you may be feeling a range of emotions, from guilt and shame to anger and betrayal. You may also be struggling with what to do next.

There are no easy answers when it comes to dealing with the aftermath of an affair. But there are some steps you can take to start rebuilding trust and repairing your relationship.

1. Be honest about what happened.

The first step is, to be honest about what happened. This means being honest with yourself and with your partner. If you try to cover up what happened or downplay your role in the affair, it will be harder to rebuild trust.

2. Take responsibility for your actions.

Admitting that you made a mistake and taking responsibility for your actions is an important part of the healing process. It's also essential for rebuilding trust.

3. Make a commitment to change.

If you want to save your relationship, you need to make a commitment to change. This means changing the behavior that led to the affair in the first place. It may also mean making some changes in your life, such as getting rid of anything that reminds you of the other person or

बार बार होने वाले Extra Marital Affairs से कैसे बचे ? जानिये क्या है कारण in Hindi || Dr. Neha Mehta

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Dr. Neha Mehta,Psychology Seekho
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बार बार होने वाले एक्स्ट्रा मैरिटल अफेयर्स के कारण
बार बार होने वाले Extra Marital Affairs से कैसे बचे
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extra marital affairs
Psychology seekho
dr neha mehta psychologist


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