Doncaster UK Toy Fair 30 June 2024 - Join me for an early bird walkaround!

Описание к видео Doncaster UK Toy Fair 30 June 2024 - Join me for an early bird walkaround!

Completing my trifecta of visits to Doncaster by heading across in the Summer, lacking ‪@BlueHToys‬ but meeting ‪@Dezimondo‬ by accident and starting of course with ‪@CosmicToys‬. Whilst my early bird plan was not unreasonable, my haul video will show that I didn't quite find what I wanted - the irony of which does not escape me when I spend most of this video telling you just how big the place is!
This won't be my only video on the fair, but you may have to wait a few days while I sort the other footage out as I'm a bit hither and thither this week. Enjoy this for now!


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