The Spiritual Discipline of Giving

Описание к видео The Spiritual Discipline of Giving

a. Why talk about giving?
b. Why might someone consider giving a spiritual discipline?
c. What has been your experience with giving? How have you experienced the Lord’s provision?
d. Why is it hard to trust the Lord with money?
e. If you were the young man who came to Jesus in Matthew 19:16, how might you have responded?
f. What does Matthew 6:21 mean? How does it relate to generosity?
g. What can we learn about God’s provision from the story of Elijah and the widow in 1 Kings 17?
h. In what ways are you tempted to be anxious about money? What do you think of Jesus’ exhortation in Matthew 6:25-33?
i. What does Matthew 17:24-27 teach us about Jesus’ ability to provide what is needed when we need it?
j. What does Mark 12:41-44 teach us about giving?
k. What does 2 Corinthians 9:6-7 teach us about giving?
l. What might it look like for you to take a step of faith with regard to giving?
m. How might practicing the spiritual discipline of generously giving lead to joy?


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