Word of Batyr (Altai) Ft. Jon Snow

Описание к видео Word of Batyr (Altai) Ft. Jon Snow

This is throat singing song by Altai called Word of Batyr. Batyr a famous Mongol warrior/soldier. I think the lyrics of this song are quite apt for Jon Snow.

Lyrics in English-

In bountiful, beautiful Altai,

on this plain, as beautiful as a mat,

on the slopes of the white mountains,

on the shores of the White Sea,

where life isn't lived in vain,

lived Baghatur.


Look there, not so

look here, not like that.1

Look there, bear-like,

look here, wolf-like,

ignorant of the word "fear",

lived Bogatyr.


Blessed by Altai,

his arrows strike exactly.

His horse is magnificent,

they ride straight ahead.

He is speaking - the orator,2

listen, listen, listen!


Finally Baghatur spoke:

"Later, later, one day,

on this plain, as beautiful as a mat,

in bountiful, beautiful Altai,

our lives will change.


In my Altai a time will come,

our people will live through bad times.

They will drink bitter, poisonous water,

the people will dwindle in number,

in Altai, in Altai, in Altai!


People, people divided,

will fight against customs and traditions.

Other people will come,

other customs and traditions will be taught,

taught, taught, taught.


When one day in Altai

an Altai youngster hero shall come,

our people will awaken.

Altai will reunite again,

and our lives will flourish.


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