Former Brexit Secretary David Davis: A no-deal Brexit won't hurt us anything like it will hurt them

Описание к видео Former Brexit Secretary David Davis: A no-deal Brexit won't hurt us anything like it will hurt them

Mr Barnier said the UK would be the EU's third largest trading partner, but its proximity meant the rules "cannot be the same" as the deal with Canada - the model for a free trade agreement (FTA) sought by Boris Johnson.

He warned that if there was to be any chance of a deal by the end of the year, there could be no "backtracking" by the UK on commitments made in the Withdrawal Agreement and the Political Declaration.

"If we want to build up a future relationship in the long term based on trust with the UK, we need to make sure that we have trust in the short term," he said.

It follows reports that the Prime Minister has ordered his Brexit team to find ways to "get around" the Northern Ireland protocol which aims to avoid the introduction of a hard border on the island of Ireland.

Former Brexit Secretary David Davis joined Julia Hartley-Brewer in the studio.


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