IELTS Task 1 Bar Graphs Vocabulary and Strategy

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Using a bar graph example, this video quickly explains the steps and content needed for the academic IELTS Task 1 writing to earn a high band score. For more videos like this, join us at Use the code BAR9 at checkout for an extra 10% discount.

The academic Task 1 covers various types of graphs, pie, bar, and line charts. It requires a minimum of 150 words to earn task completion. Ideally, band 7 to 9 essays are closer to 200 words by including further details, comparisons, and contrasts that can be observed with greater analysis.
This expository essay is usually (not always) separated into three paragraphs, although in some cases, two or four paragraphs are needed. The essay includes an introduction, overview, and analysis. Each needs to include a specific style of information to create a cohesive and effective interpretation of the diagram given.

In this example, a simple bar graph is used with data on marine life populations of dolphins, seals, and whales. Take note of the in-depth analysis of the data and the way it is presented. Pay attention to the structure and vocabulary used to develop a cohesive and clear report.
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IELTS Task 1 Writing
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
The following graph shows changes in marine life populations in several years in a body of salt water. Report the main features and make comparisons where relevant.
Write at least 150 words.

This bar graph depicts variations in seal, whale, and dolphin populations, in four periods, from 2006 to 2018, with intervals of four years in Georgia Strait. As reflected by the y-axis the population is measured from zero to 60 animals with intervals of ten.

At first glance, it becomes clear that the dolphin population grew from one time interval to the next, the seal population decreased and increased while the whale population remained relatively stable. Overall, the populations of sea mammals were the lowest in 2010 and highest in 2018.

Analysis (5-8 clearly structured data points reported AND interpreted for the reader)
In more detail, dolphins numbered around 17 in 2006, they increased by five in 2010, ten more in 2014, and became the highest population of all three creatures in 2018, at a whopping 52 dolphins. Conversely, seals had the highest numbers in 2006 at 43, then decreased to nearly half in 2010 (25 seals), and then increased in the next two periods, 35 in 2014 and 45 in 2018. Whale populations, on the other hand, remained relatively stable throughout these time periods, numbering closer to the mid-20s. Furthermore, the lowest overall populations for these intelligent aquatic animals can be observed in 2010 with an average of 23, and the highest is notable in 2018 with a mean of 40 mammals. In summary, the population changes for each of these three sea mammals in the Georgia Straits are significantly different, increase, fluctuation, and stable.

00:00 Structure
00:00 Introduction
00:00 Overview
00:00 Analysis
00:00 Summary


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