Is Becoming a Doctor Worth It?

Описание к видео Is Becoming a Doctor Worth It?

Happy Holidays. Thank you for supporting my YouTube channel in 2022. Here's to an amazing 2023!

Today's video was sponsored by Picmonic and TrueLearn. To save $25 off the TrueLearn Question banks for USMLE, Complex, and Residency Banks, use Code: JAKE25 ⬇️

If this video resonated with you, please share it with a friend. And if you enjoy content focused on advocating for healthcare workers & mental health, SUBSCRIBE for more #mentalhealth #doctor #medschool videos    / jakegoodmanmd  

About Me:
Name: Jake Goodman
Degree: MD, MBA, PGY2 Psychiatry Resident

Instagram:   / jakegoodmanmd  
TikTok:   / jakegoodmanmd  

Opinions expressed are solely my own and do not express the views or opinions of my employer.
My content is for educational and marketing purposes and should not be used in place of therapy or treatment


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