QUARTER FINALS | Red Bull Wololo 3 Day 4

Описание к видео QUARTER FINALS | Red Bull Wololo 3 Day 4

Taking Age of Empires 2: Definitive Edition and letting competitors once again do battle in a slightly tweaked version of the Empire Wars game mode, which scraps the first stages of a traditional match to bring the more exciting action to the forefront, as players battle across 12 new and existing maps.
Bracket: https://www.toornament.com/en_GB/tour...

00:00:00 Countdown
00:29:17 Show starting
00:33:09 Nili and Dave Pre-Show
00:53:30 Mr_Yo vs DauT
02:33:18 Interview - Game 1
02:41:03 Vinchester vs ACCM
05:25:18 Interview - Game 2
05:39:22 Hera vs Liereyy
07:45:23 Interview - Game 3
07:57:27 TheViper vs Villese
09:52:19 Interview - Game 4
10:03:26 Day 4 Highlights

#AoE2DE #AoE2 #AgeOfEmpires
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