Mysteries Under Lake Ophelia Full Let's Play+Ending (ft. The Flatwoods Monster)

Описание к видео Mysteries Under Lake Ophelia Full Let's Play+Ending (ft. The Flatwoods Monster)

Finally got around to let's playing this game (been wanting to since I started let's playing). This is kind of a 100% let's play? I got all the rods, lures, and the ending, and technically caught all the fish; just a chunk of the fish were cut from the video for brevity. This video also features the biggest secret in the game near the end so be sure to take a look at that if you were interested in a secret not yet showcased in video form until this video (The Flatwoods Monster).

Mysteries Under Lake Ophelia is a fishing game currently available for PC and Nintendo Switch made by Bryce Bucher with contributions for music by Simone Peltier, additional contributions available in the credits contained in this video (Or play it and see for yourself!). This game had an incredible PS1 aesthetic which combines relaxing and creepy to make for one chill (and sleepy) experience. Hope you enjoy watching this video as much as I enjoyed playing and talking about it.
0:00:00 Intro
0:01:50 Gameplay
2:05:05 Ending
2:08:07 Closing Thoughts
2:20:03 Finding the Flatwoods Monster


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