Sensual Feminine Energy Activation / Elixir of a Woman / Peruquois music video

Описание к видео Sensual Feminine Energy Activation / Elixir of a Woman / Peruquois music video

Taste the divine flavour of sensual and ecstatic feminine energy with Peruquois new song Elixir of a Woman.

Song and music video are based on super popular Peruquois online-retreat Forbidden Elixir of a Woman.

Elixir of a Woman is a 7-day course that awakens ecstatic and sensual feminine energy though set of unique Peruquois practices and meditations she created for women in a course of her 30 years of experience and women's workshop facilitator.

This song is devoted to a woman healing and return of her pure feminine energy
Elixir of a woman

lyrics and composition - Peruquois
production - Ben TempleStep project & Peruquois
sound engineering - Max Khomich
video - 8mm production


I open my heart, I open my mind
I open my yoni and drink the divine
Oh sublime source of life
I fall out of time
To drink the divine
I breath, I breath, I breath her in
And all the healing in my body
I know the secret of ecstasy
I taste the sweetness
Come and drink with me
I know the secret of ecstasy
Come and taste the sweetness
Makes a woman free
In your body, in my body
And ohh the healing


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