Duo mages HoS 120 mobs. 10-12 min/run. 1700g/h

Описание к видео Duo mages HoS 120 mobs. 10-12 min/run. 1700g/h

Perhaps at the moment Hall of Stone is the best method of gold farming. Attention: the amount of gold you receive strongly depends on the prices of Relic of Ulduar on your server. For one run, I get an average of 36.9 Relic of Ulduar, i.e. 184.6 per hour. Today, the price of relics on my server was 4.77 gold, which means we get almost 880 gold per hour only from relics. I also get about 180 gold per hour immediately from killed mobs. Frostweave Cloth and Rare BoE items will make a decent cash for you. Don't be lazy to disassemble golems (this requires engineering 390, but you should still pump it up to 405 for the for nitro boots). Yes - most often you take only junk, but sometimes you will get things like Volatile Blasting Trigger and Handy of Cobalt Bolts that are worth a decent price at auction. But for a full profit, I recommend pumping mining at least up to 400 on one of your mages and then your income will increase, because in the dungeon you are guaranteed to find two saronite ore, and if you are lucky titanium ore.

If you are engaged in boosting and do 5 runs per hour, then you will be able to receive an additional 500-750 gold per hour from one buyer. (it depends on what price you assign him). A level 79 player received 120k experience per run during our test.

In fact, this is a fairly simple method that does not require a high level of play and anyone can learn it. And when you get dressed in a raid gear, then I think you can easily clear this dungeon with one of your mages during the same time.

Thanks for watching and good luck in farming! ;)

I want to express my gratitude to the FP channel for helping me decide on my talents.

My equip, talents, glyphs:
Mage Body One):

Mage Body Two))):
In truth they are practically twins now)

https://wago.io/MQwqksNVq - Hyperspeed Accelerator Tracker;
https://wago.io/_RQpchERj - Absorb tracker;
https://wago.io/BQ1qsL9Ou - Lightweave tracker (for those who have a tailoring);
https://wago.io/bl0TwMpA9 - Instance History Extended;
https://wago.io/sz3jz7-QJ - adds water elemental timer;
https://wago.io/ClassicThreatBars - to understand on which of your mages is the mob hanging now.

A mandatory macro if you don't want to die right after you canceled the ice block:

#showtooltip Blink
/cancelaura Ice Block
/cast Blink

Cancels your invisibility by clicking again:

/cancelaura Invisibility
/cast Invisibility

Summon your elemental with the first tap and use its freeze with the second tap:

/cast [nopet] Summon Water Elemental
/use [pet] Freeze

Selects the target you need from the crowd and puts a mark in the form of a skull on it:
/tar Dark Rune Controller
/script SetRaidTarget("target",8)

/tar Dark Rune Giant
/script SetRaidTarget("target",8)

Uses a series of abilities. Icy Veins+your hyperspeed accelerators (you need to replace the name with your gloves)+your trinket (you also need to specify your name)+your mirror image:

/cast Icy Veins
/use Traditionally Dyed Handguards
/use Tome of Arcane Phenomena
/cast Mirror Image

If your hyperspeed accelerators are still in cooldown, then your trinket will work and vice versa.

RangeDisplay - shows the distance to the target;
LootAppraiserClassic - is an addon which determines the value of the goods during looting based on the TSM addon;
BigDebuffs - shows on the frames how many seconds are left before the ice block subsides from your second mage;
NovaInstanceTracker - shows current hour lockouts.


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