Chanson Boheme - CARMEN crossover

Описание к видео Chanson Boheme - CARMEN crossover

With a new artistic way of thinking and a special manner, the project is meant to bring to a large audience the world's most played and successful opera CARMEN, composed by G.BIZET.

Keeping the authenticity of the opera and the beauty of the original score, but in a specific CONCERTINO style, the most well-known musical themes are presented in a modern vision and interpretation.

Special thanks to:
Ljubica Vranes - Carmen
Petru Racoviță - Escamillo
CONCERTINO orchestra, conductor Eugene Negruța
Academic choral chapel ”Doina”, conductor Ilona Stepan

National Philarmonic ”Serghei Lunchevici”
Chișinău, Molodva, 2019.


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