Boomer Guitar Sessions Ep16 | Rock Standards

Описание к видео Boomer Guitar Sessions Ep16 | Rock Standards

Welcome back to another episode of "Boomer Guitar Sessions." Today, we're diving into Episode 16, and it's all about those timeless classics - "Rock Standards."

Now, why are we putting the spotlight on these iconic tunes? Well, let me tell you, learning rock standards is like laying down a solid foundation for your guitar playing journey. These songs aren't just hits; they're the bread and butter of rock music. And guess what? They're packed with standard chord progressions that serve as the backbone of thousands of other songs across various genres.

So, why bother with these standards, you ask? Well, it's simple. By mastering these progressions, you're essentially unlocking a treasure trove of musical knowledge. You'll learn how to spot these progressions, how to elaborate on them, how to re-purpose them, and most importantly, how to shred some killer solos over the top.

Take, for example, the infamous "Watchtower Changes." This progression, named after Bob Dylan's/Jimi Hendrix's "All Along The Watchtower," is a minor key masterpiece. We're talking Im, bVII, bVI... you name it. And once you've got these chords down in every key, you'll start noticing them popping up in all sorts of songs you play.

But wait, there's more! In today's lesson, we're not just stopping at the chords. Oh no, we're diving deep into Jimi Hendrix's melodic approach to "All Along The Watchtower." We'll dissect the tools and techniques he used to make that song an absolute legend.

And hey, did you know that "Watchtower Changes" aren't exclusive to Hendrix? Nope! You'll find variations of this progression in classics like "Stairway To Heaven" by Led Zeppelin, "Don't Fear The Reaper" by Blue Oyster Cult, "No One Like You" by Scorpions, and "Breaking The Chains" by Dokken.
So, grab your guitar, crank up the volume, and let's dig in to some "Rock Standards." It's time to take your playing to the next level!

You Can Do This!


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