Описание к видео WARHAMMER FAN VOICE: Slugtongue

The Famine-Fiend. The Barren One. Lord of the Black Harvest. All are grim titles for the Beastman brayshaman known as Slugtongue. Wherever Slugtongue goes, decay and famine follow, and soon all that remains are echos of his mocking laughter

Slugtongue is a corrupter, causing any land he's near to become barren, with crops withering, ale souring, and livestock wasting away. I tried to emulate that with his voice, a dried out, withered rasp. A voice that sounds weak and hungry but with an air of feral strength

In game, I imagine Slugtongue as a legendary hero who's primary purpose is to slowly starve the enemy both in battle and on the map. His presence creates a massive negative growth debuff to any province he's in, and on the battlefield he'd have a debuff AOE that saps vigor

Thanks for listening!


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