The Kettlebell Swing for Beginners: A Simple and Safe How-To

Описание к видео The Kettlebell Swing for Beginners: A Simple and Safe How-To

This video will walk you through a simple sequence to learn the kettlebell swing. If you're just getting started with the swing, these movements are great tools to help you along your way to being able to safely and effectively perform the full kettlebell swing. Each move builds upon the next until you are doing the complete exercise. You'll see me perform each part of the sequence and I'll explain how to do it in detail.

The great thing about this series is that it takes something that might look to be a complicated or intimidating movement and breaks it down into very do-able and safe parts. And if you've never swung a kettlebell before, then this learning sequence is a great workout in and of itself. So, grab a kettlebell and join me!


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