[4K]Tokyo summer 夏の東京•納涼祭(夏祭り) 東京観光 旅行 盆踊り Bon odori Trip Travel Festival Tokyo tourism お盆 Japan

Описание к видео [4K]Tokyo summer 夏の東京•納涼祭(夏祭り) 東京観光 旅行 盆踊り Bon odori Trip Travel Festival Tokyo tourism お盆 Japan

「Tokyo summer」
Summer in Tokyo is unlike summer in any other Cities in the world.
Summer throughout Tokyo culminates with large scale festivals, many with folk dancing, as well as “Bon odori” dance meetings for the recreation of local residents, friends and visitors.
Summer night is the season of fireworks. Almost every night, communities around
Tokyo stage lively firework displays colourfully enlivening the night skies.
Enjoy summer in Tokyo to the fullest!
There is a fireworks show somewhere in Tokyo every weekend during July and August. Enjoying fireworks or summer festivals with local people wearing yukata will definitely become an unforgettable memory in your life.


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