Night Lights on the Train Which Travels Kim Jong Il (달리는 불빛 - Running Lights) [English Lyrics]

Описание к видео Night Lights on the Train Which Travels Kim Jong Il (달리는 불빛 - Running Lights) [English Lyrics]

Song by Pochonbo Electric Ensemble. Night Lights on the Train Which Travels Kim Jong Il. Captions available in Korean, English and Romanised Korean.
Very much thanks to ‪@merenranemtyemsaf7874‬ for the lyrics to this song, credit goes to them! I have made the lyrics as captions to the video.
달리는 불빛 - Running Lights

기적소리 정다운 밤렬차 창가에
kijŏksori chŏngdaun pamnyŏlch'a ch'anggaë
the warm/loving sound of the steam whistle at the window of the night time train

은혜로운 불빛이 넘쳐흐르네
ŭnhyeroun pulbich'i nŏmch'yŏhŭrŭne
a gracious light overflows

이밤도 장군님 인민을 찾아서
ibamdo changgunnim inminŭl ch'ajasŏ
On this night, too, the general searches for/visits the people

사랑의 만리길 이어가시네
sarangŭi malligil iŏgashine
You continue the ten-thousand mile (immeasurable) road of love!

인민행 렬차의 빛나는 저 불빛
inminhaeng ryŏlch'aŭi pinnanŭn chŏ pulbit
That shining light of the train bound for the people

사랑을 안고서 달리는 불빛
sarangŭl an'gosŏ tallinŭn pulbit
Love thus embraces the running light

기다리는 인민의 그 모습 그리며
kidarinŭn inminŭi kŭ mosŭb gŭrimyŏ
The waiting people imagine his appearance

머나먼 길 가시는 우리 장군님
mŏnamŏn kil kashinŭn uri janggunnim
“On that distant road goes/travels our general”

인민의 천만꿈 꽃피워 주시려
inminŭi ch'ŏnmankkum kkotp'iwŏ chushiryŏ
May the people’s ten million dreams bloom

한평생 눈비를 맞으시였네
hanpyŏngsaeng nunbirŭl majŭshiyŏnne
You’ve spent your whole life in the snow and rain

인민행 렬차의 빛나는 저 불빛
inminhaeng ryŏlch'aŭi pinnanŭn chŏ pulbit
That shining light of the train bound for the people

사랑을 안고서 달리는 불빛
sarangŭl an'gosŏ tallinŭn pulbit
Love thus embraces the running light

새 세기를 밝히는 예지의 빛발
sae segirŭl palk'inŭn yejiŭi pitpal
The beam of your glowing foresight illuminates the new century

한순간도 쉼없는 열정의 불빛
hansun'gando shwimŏmnŭn yŏljŏngŭi pulbit
The glow of passion without even a moment/second of pause

인민의 친근한 김정일장군님
inminŭi ch'in'gŭnhan Kim Jŏng-il janggunnim
Oh, friend of the people, general Kim Jong Il

내 조국 이끌어 빛내가시네
nae choguk ikkŭrŏ pinnaegashine
You lead my country and (thus) make it shine

인민행 렬차의 빛나는 저 불빛
inminhaeng ryŏlch'aŭi pinnanŭn chŏ pulbit
That shining light of the train bound for the people

사랑을 안고서 달리는 불빛
sarangŭl an'gosŏ tallinŭn pulbit
Love thus embraces the running light

사랑을 안고서 달리는 불빛
sarangŭl an'gosŏ tallinŭn pulbit
Love thus embraces the running light

달리는 불빛
tallinŭn pulbit
The running light


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