KRAFT Drill - Real World Accuracy and Training

Описание к видео KRAFT Drill - Real World Accuracy and Training

The KRAFT Data Drill from Chris Way is an extremely underutilized drill you can do with just 100 yards, 4 positions, and 12 rounds.
Along with printing your entire systems accuracy (you behind the rifle) you can use it for positional practice.
Timed/Untimed, Work on stability, Plot how recoil from different positions affects your POI, and come to a real world understanding of what targets you can really expect to hit with your practical accuracy.

Start with a 3 or 5 shot control group to show your zero and best group size.
Move onto the 12 round drill shooting one shot from each position, a total of three times. Moving EACH shot.
i.e. One shot standing, move to kneeling, move to sitting, move to prone, repeat.

Do this 2, 3, 5 times each practice trip and make your expensive ammo count for GOOD training.


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