Resonance of Sirius (Egyptian music scale. 764 hz nervous system balancing). Read description below.

Описание к видео Resonance of Sirius (Egyptian music scale. 764 hz nervous system balancing). Read description below.

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This track resonates with the Sirius star system in 6 different ways simultaneously. The motion-geometry goes for about 11 minutes then leads into a slide-show that tells somewhat of a story regarding the correlations with Sirius. Only some of the correlations though given there are too many to list. Connections between Sirius, Isis, Magdalene, Sion/Zion/Cion (meaning “dog”) the cathedrals (blue apples at noon) and the lion’s gate time-window around the feast-day of Mary Magdalene marking a Sirius activation correlating with our DNA and a shift in consciousness.

Everything about this track is fine-tuned to just intonation, all instruments and the drums as well and utilizes an Egyptian/Kemetian music scale. The only thing in this track that is out of perfect mathematical harmony is one of the vocal over-tones that’s scattered here and there rarely in the track and was added because it is based on the frequency of Sirius A and B’s binary orbit (173-174 hz). Sirius A and B create what the ancients knew to be a feminine Sun or a magnetic sun.

Here are the calculations and analysis regarding how this track resonates with the Sirius star system.

The Sirius star system moves towards our solar system at 7.6 km’s per second. (We’ll call this “A").

Speed of sound at body temp / A = octaves of 764 hz, making this octave set an inter-dimensional frequency of the Sirius star system. Inter-dimensional because it’s a ratio based on the speed of sound in the body and the speed at which Sirius is approaching our solar system.
764 hz is also the the frequency of the Sothic cycle. 1 / 1,461 years converted into seconds (then octave shifted up until you get an audible tone). 764 hz is also a tangential resonance of the sarcophagus in the king's chamber of the great pyramid.

764 hz is also a tone that is known to regulate and balance the nervous system. Sirius is the astrological correspondent of Isis/Mary Magdalene, the healer.
In the background I have a 764 hz sine wave playing throughout the whole thing and the track is tuned so exact that the sine wave blends right in even if it’s turned up.

The tempo of this track is 72 bpm which converts to 1.2 hz which is also a frequency found relative to Sirius.
Speed of sound (body temp) / modern distance between earth and Sirius=1.20227 hz octaves (approx 1.2 hz (inter-dimensional wavelength to Sirius A, also the average healthy heart-rate frequency is 1.2 hz).
This 1.2 hz correspondence between earth, Sirius and the heart can indicate that Sirius can lead us back to the heart. In the movie "The Truman Show" he first gets cued to realize the false matrix he lived in when a "star" (stage light) fell out of the sky which said "Sirius 9 Canis" on it. Symbolic of the spark of his awakening.

I also added a chord including 297.1111 hz which is a perfect harmonic of 764 hz (Just intonation) and according to some metal-to-hz calculators 297 hz in the frequency range of gold. 297.1111 hz is the sound frequency of the distance between earth and Sirius as it stands right now (speed of sound at earth’s base-line temperature / distance between earth and Sirius=octaves of approx 297 hz). 297 hz is one of the tones of the “divine solfeggio scale."

One of the vocal overtones that is added throughout the track hovers in the range of 172-174 hz which is an octave of the frequency of Sirius A and B orbiting each-other (1 / 50 years converted into seconds). which also means that this is the frequency of the Jubilee cycle (50 year cycle). 174 is one of the tones on the “earthly solfeggio scale."

This track is specified to the Sirius star system in 5 different ways as listed above. Also note that the overtone hovering in the range of 172-174 hz covers 172.6 hz which is and octave of the freqeuncy of the precession of the equinox which is in correlation with Sirius returning back to make an eliptical orbit with our sun so that could count as a 6th way that this track is in resonance with Sirius.

The motion geometry uses colors that align with the sound frequencies used.
The blue resonates with 297.1111 hz and the dark red resonates with 764 hz.
I used a 25-based torus field because that is the type of torus field 764 hz and 297.1111 hz creates together which I will show visually in an upcoming video on just intonation.
Sound doesn't really travel in outer-space but light does and light is a ratio-octave of 1.2 (6/5ths) from the speed of sound and 1.2 is a frequency that correlates with Sirius as listed below. Though sound doesn't travel in outer-space basing frequency off of the speed of sound still holds up given the wavelength is just as conceptual as it is sound or light.

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