Birth Of Critically Endangered Orangutan!

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Long awaited, finally here: Yesterday at 1.30 p.m. in ‪@thezoovienna‬ a young orangutan was born in front of the eyes of the visitors. The last successful offspring of orangutans was almost 20 years ago. The Tiergarten team is very happy. “It is the first cub for 13-year-old Sari, who came to us from Dublin Zoo in 2020. She takes good care of her little one, who spends most of the day sleeping in her arms,” reports the responsible zoological curator, Folko Balfanz.

Now we have to keep our fingers crossed that the offspring will develop well. Because of course the first rearing is always associated with a certain degree of uncertainty. Over the next few days you will be able to tell whether the young animal is a female or a male. Father is the only male in the group: Vladimir. Despite his advanced age of 48, he is still reproductively active. Balfanz: “Vladimir and the rest of the group are interested in the latest addition. In the case of orangutans, however, the mothers take care of their offspring all by themselves.”

Orangutans are on the brink of extinction due to the destruction of their habitat on the islands of Borneo and Sumatra. "In recent years, we have constantly modernized the orangutan enclosure to make it even more natural for our animals. When the two females, Sari and Surya, moved in about two years ago, a great functioning social group was created. We are very pleased that all these efforts are now bearing fruit with the offspring," says zoo director Stephan Hering-Hagenbeck.

Photos: Daniel Zupanc


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