U.S.-Korea Summit

Описание к видео U.S.-Korea Summit

[Anchor Lead]

President Moon Jae-in hosted U.S. President Donald Trump for a bilateral summit Tuesday. President Trump reassured South Korea that it will not be sidelined when dealing with the nuclear crisis on the Korean Peninsula. The two heads of state have also agreed to lift restrictions on the weight of missile warheads. Here's more on the summit.


The Korea-U.S. summit began shortly after the official welcoming ceremony. The two heads of state reaffirmed their resolve to solve the North Korea nuclear crisis through diplomacy by way of sanctions and pressure based on the superior military strength of the South Korea-U.S. alliance. To this end, they have agreed to completely abolish weight restrictions on nuclear warheads. The two leaders agreed to immediately begin talks on the positioning of state-of-the-art strategic weapons including nuclear-powered submarines and U.S. high-tech reconnaissance assets.

[Soundbite] Pres. Moon Jae-in : "I believe this is necessary to enhance S. Korea's self-defense capabilities and beef up the defense capabilities of the South Korea-U.S. alliance."

[Soundbite] Donald Trump(U.S. President)

The two leaders emphasized security cooperation among South Korea, the United States and Japan to respond to Pyongyang's provocations, and expressed their stances on the controversy over so-called "balanced diplomacy" and concerns that Korea is often "bypassed" in decisions regarding the Korean Peninsula.

[Soundbite] Pres. Moon Jae-in : "What I mean is that we must diversify our diplomatic relations with China, ASEAN, Russia and EU countries to ensure a more balanced diplomacy."

[Soundbite] Donald Trump(U.S. President)

Regarding the sharing of defense costs, the two presidents showed slightly different stances with President Moon calling for the reasonable sharing of costs and President Trump stressing that the defense costs are needed to protect Korea.


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