Julie Fowlis - Bíodh an Deoch Seo 'n Láimh Mo Rúin | Hollywood Inn, Wicklow | Geantraí 2009 | TG4

Описание к видео Julie Fowlis - Bíodh an Deoch Seo 'n Láimh Mo Rúin | Hollywood Inn, Wicklow | Geantraí 2009 | TG4

Hollywood Inn, Co. Wicklow : Scottish singer Julie Fowlis performs the song 'Bíodh an Deoch Seo 'n Láimh Mo Rúin' (Lyrics below) with accompaniment from Éamon Doorley (Bouzouki), Ross Martin (Guitar) & Tom Doorley (Flute) in a recording made for the Geantraí music series on TG4 in 2009.

Seo hí Julie Fowlis ag canadh an amhráin 'Bíodh an Deoch Seo 'n Láimh Mo Rúin' ar Geantraí sa bhliain 2009. Liricí thíos.

Tá Geantraí ar fáil ar Sheinnteoir TG4 anois, am ar bith ar fud na cruinne / More episodes of Geantraí are available on the TG4 Player now - watch anytime, anywhere in the world 🎶🌎➡️ https://bit.ly/38464Qy

Subscribe to TG4’s Irish Traditional Music Channel on YouTube / Glac síntiús chuig cainéal ceoil TG4 ar YouTube ➡️ http://bit.ly/2V8xyBG

#Geantraí #TG4 #TradTG4 #CeolTG4

Bíodh an Deoch Seo 'n Láimh Mo Rúin / This Drink Would Be in the Hand of My Love

Óladh neo na óladh cách i
Bíodh i lán aig ceann a' bhúird

Séist/Cúrfá (tar éis gach bhéarsa):
Bíodh an deoch seo 'n láimh mo rúin
Deoch sláinte le fear an túir
Bíodh an deoch seo 'n láimh mo rúin

Chunnacas bát' air an fhairge
'S an láimh dhearg air an stiúir

Chunnaic mi dol seach' an caol i
'S badan fraoich 's an t-slait shiúil

Fhir a chunnaic air an t-sàil i
Beannaich an long bhàn 's a criùdh'

Beannaich a cruinn ard 's a h-acfhuinn
A cuid acraichean 's a siùil

Ged a tha mi 'n seo an Colla
B' e mo thoil a dhol a Rùm

Agus as a sin a dh' Uibhist
Nan d' fhuair mi mo ghuidhe leam


Whether he or the others were drinking
There would still be plenty on the table

Chorus (after every verse):
The drink would be in my love's hand
Here's a health to the chief
The drink would be in my love's hand

A boat was seen on the waves
And the red hand at the helm

I saw it passing through the straits
With a clump of heather on the sail-yard

You who saw her out at sea
Bless the fair ship and her crew

Bless her high masts and her equipment
Her moorings and her sails

Though I am here in Coll
I long to go to Rhum

And from there to Uist
Were I to get my wish


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