235: GR Toys/ Haolonggood Ouranosaurus Review

Описание к видео 235: GR Toys/ Haolonggood Ouranosaurus Review

Here’s a dinosaur I was expecting PNSO to give us first, but not only has this first mover position been claimed by GR Toys, it comes just one week after they gave us their wonderful Nasutoceratopses!

GR Toys seems to be moving full steam ahead, and this time round we have the very welcome hadrosauriform dinosaur Ouranosaurus. This ornithopod has been a mainstay in children’s books for year, yet till now, hasn’t had a good representative. The head and the sail are captured very nicely, and even though the hands leave room for improvement, the colours! Those wonderful colours! They are a wonderful example of how sculpt, paint application, and price and work together to create something nice yet affordable in this hobby.

Let me know what you think!

#GRToys #DinosDragons #Ouranosaurus #Haolonggood #hadrosaur #Iguanodon #ornithischians #dinosaur #dinosaurs #dinosaurtoys #dinosaurmodels #prehistoric

Baron, Matthew G.; Norman, David B.; Barrett, Paul M. (23 March 2017). "A new hypothesis of dinosaur relationships and early dinosaur evolution". Nature. 543 (7646): 501–506

Bertozzo, F.; Dalla Vechia, F.M.; Fabbri, M. (2017). "The Venice specimen of Ouranosaurus nigeriensis (Dinosauria, Ornithopoda)". PeerJ. 5: e3403.

Hone, D. (2008). “Monophyletic, Paraphyletic and Polyphyletic”. Archosaurmusings blog.


McDonald, A.T.; Kirkland, J.I.; DeBlieux, D.D.; Madsen, S.K.; Cavin, J.; Milner, A.R.C.; Panzarin, L. (2010). Farke, Andrew Allen (ed.). "New Basal Iguanodontians from the Cedar Mountain Formation of Utah and the Evolution of Thumb-Spiked Dinosaurs". PLOS ONE. 5 (11): e14075.


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