MoP Tribute

Описание к видео MoP Tribute

Emperor Shaohao:
"When I was young... when I was young... when I was young...
I was Emperor.
The realm you see all around you was mine to command.
I conquered my doubts, my fears, my anger... I buried all of it within the land.
But I held on to one vice. The one sha I never conquered: Pride.
My pride cloaked this land in mists. I thought we were better than the rest of the world.
I thought we could solve our own problems. But for ten thousand years, we stagnated, our doubts and fears buried in the land, rising up to fester whenever we allowed them.
Pride. It is the most insidious of sha. It is good until it is bad. And then it is more dangerous than all the others combined.
Beware of Pride! Be humble! The world is plunging into chaos. Old enemies must work together. Proud races must admit they need help.
Things are going to get worse before they get better. Only by working together can we overcome the darkness.

All that stands in our way... is pride."

"Hear my words, brothers!
We sail to a virgin island, a gift from Azeroth to the Horde!
Securing this land will win us our war!
From its shores, we shall conquer Stormwind, and with it any hope the enemy clings to.
We shall crush what remains of them and lay claim to this land.
Azeroth will be reforged under a single banner!
This banner!"

Overlord Krom'gar:
"Look upon the world, Cliffwalker, and see the might of the Horde!"

Garrosh Hellscream:
"What have you done, Krom'gar?
Was my command to murder innocents, Krom'gar?
Am I a murderer, Krom'gar?
I spent a very long time in Northrend, Krom'gar. I learned much about the Horde in that time.
While there, a wise old war hero told me something that I would carry with me forever..."

High Overlord Saurfang:
"Honor, young heroes... no matter how dire the battle... Never forsake it!"

Sha of Hatred:
"Your turn will come. Hate, will turn you all against one another until this whole world burns.
Give in. The more you fight, the more your hatred broils within you.
Everything that you are is MINE to destroy!"

Sha of Fear:
"Dread rises... it seeks the light... it HUNGERS!"

Garrosh Hellscream:
""Honor," Krom'gar, "No matter how dire the battle... never forsake it."
Overlord Krom'gar, you have disgraced the Horde.
You have brought shame to us as a people.
By my right as Warchief, I hereby relieve you of your duty.

Sha of Hatred: "The hatred inside you drives your hunt for me. You are already mine."

Y'shaarj: "You cannot succeed. Your cause is hopeless."

Malkorok: "The Warchief demands it!"

Y'shaarj: "You have already lost."

Malkorok: "I will never fail the Warchief!"

Sha of Anger: "Feel your rage!"

Malkorok: "The power of the Warchief will overwhelm you!"

Y'shaarj: "Your allies think you are weak."

Malkorok: "Garrosh gives me strength!"

Sha of Anger: "Give in to your anger."

Malkorok: "WEAKLINGS! You dare challenge the Warchief?"

Y'shaarj: "Pay the cost of greatness!"

Malkorok: "Witness the might of the True Horde!"

Y'shaarj: "All should bow before you... Make them!"

"This. THIS is what has diluted the vitality of our precious Horde!
The warchief graciously permits the families of the dead to live in his city. To die in the service of the Horde should be a great honor, but you see it as another opportunity to line your filthy pockets!
Your kind disgusts me. Small, Weak! Honorless as thieves. Be thankful the Warchief still tolerates your presence at all."

Tong: "Talk, talk, talk! Always you speak, never do you listen. You ignore the lessons of Pandaria. You see there is balance in all things. Wisdom edged in our very fur. Black and white. Darkness and light. So it is with your Alliance and your Horde. They're not strong despite one another, they are strong because of one another. You mistake your greatest strength for weakness."

Zack Hemsey - Waiting Between Worlds:    • Zack Hemsey - "Waiting Between Worlds...  


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