逛臺北 Wander/ Taipei EP9: Wenshan’s Great Views- Jingmei & Muzha 文山區泡美景:漫遊景美&木柵 | 臺北廣播電臺 Ft. Sydney 雪梨

Описание к видео 逛臺北 Wander/ Taipei EP9: Wenshan’s Great Views- Jingmei & Muzha 文山區泡美景:漫遊景美&木柵 | 臺北廣播電臺 Ft. Sydney 雪梨

Taipei is one of those cities where it is at the intersection of diverse cultures and intertwined historical timelines. It’s a place where generations diverge and meet, as the city continues to evolve and emerge into one of the most beautiful urban hubs on the Pacific Rim.

I’m Sydney Weng, and this is Wander/Taipei, brought to you by Taipei Broadcasting Station, a new series where we explore the nation’s capital, through colors, sounds, and a hint of déjà vu.

Timestamps 本集重點
00:50- From Conduit To Spectical: Jingmei’s Gorgeous Views
01:19 - Magic Footprints @Xianjiyan Trail
03:03 - Riverside Park Biking Spree
03:41 - Chili Oil Wontons : Taste of Home
04:32 - Temples and Ancestors: Jiying Temple
05:42: - Camphor Tree Breeze @Maokong
06:32- Brooks and Books @ Xiaokengxi / Muzha

00:50 - 從「梘尾」到景緻優美的寶地
01:19 - 仙跡岩的別緻美景
03:03 - 景美河濱公園:單車日誌
03:41 - 「辣是一種微妙的兩難」:紅油抄手 & 麻醬麵
04:32 - 景美古蹟:集應廟
05:42: - 蕭瑟冷烈的 「樟樹步道」
06:32 - 小坑溪文學步道的夢遊仙境

Cast & Crew 工作人員
Cast & Crew 工作人員
Filmed, written, and hosted by Sydney Weng
拍攝、劇本、主持: 翁悅心

Produced by Taipei Broadcasting Station

Special Thanks To 特別感謝
景美 集應廟
Additional Links 資訊連結

Host 節目主持人: Sydney 翁悅心 || Instagram: @shesasnowpear

《Wander/ Taipei 逛臺北 》 Playlist 播放清單:   • 逛臺北 Wander/ Taipei EP7:Nangang2:Seeds...  

Works Cited 資料出處:

林薇晨,「辣的痛覺」。《2017 飲食文選》,吳岱穎 主編; 二魚文化事業有限公司,2018 年 6 月。


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