Shea Fisher- "Move On"

Описание к видео Shea Fisher- "Move On"

I know it has been a while since I have put any music or new videos up on facebook, so thank you for your patience and thank you for sticking with me. This song "Move on" I wrote about a few years ago, it was a song I wrote that just sat in my collection until one day I was listening back through my music and realized how this song relates to %95 of all people out there. I am sure we all remember our first loves and also remember the heart break that came when we realized they were not "the one" for us. This happened to me once as well and I knew I had to move on, the decision is never easy but trust me in the end it is the best decision you will make. I am happily married now and love my Husband Tyson but every time I sing this song it brings me back to that heartbreaking hard choice we all have to make. I was going to do a big production on this song and a big fancy music video like all my videos in the past but I wanted this to be different- I wanted this to be real- no fancy make up, no fancy set, just me and my guitarist (Walker Hayes). Hope you like it and will help me share it with your friends as well. Shea


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