Air Inter Flug 148 - Was geschah wirklich

Описание к видео Air Inter Flug 148 - Was geschah wirklich

SAT1 Reportage über den Airbus Absturz bei Strassburg von Air Inter am 20. Januar 1992.

" Air Inter Flight 148 was a scheduled airline flight on January 20, 1992, that crashed in the Vosges Mountains, near Mont Sainte-Odile, while circling to land at Strasbourg Airport. 87 of the 96 onboard were killed.

Flight 148 departed Satolas Airport (now known as Saint-Exupéry International Airport) in Lyon, France, at 5:20pm. While being vectored for a VOR DME Approach to Runway 05 at Strasbourg, it crashed in the mountains at a height of only 2600 feet. The pilots had no warning of the imminent impact since the aircraft was not fitted with GPWS."

" Vol 148 Air Inter. Le crash du mont Sainte-Odile est une catastrophe aérienne ayant eu lieu le 20 janvier 1992 à 19 h 20 min (en heure française, soit 18 h 20 min en heure universelle) tuant 87 passagers et membres d'équipage d'un Airbus A320 de la compagnie française Air Inter au lieu-dit La Bloss, sur la commune de Barr, près du mont Sainte-Odile en Alsace. Neuf occupants de l'avion ont survécu."

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