2022 Nationalist West upload compilation

Описание к видео 2022 Nationalist West upload compilation

We made it! We finished 2022 out strong having uploaded at a total of 10 Nationalistic Patroitic Songs coming from the Russian Empire, Ukraine, Empire of Japan, Metaxist Greece, and Horthyist Hungary. This video is a compilation of the 10 uploads this year! Which one was your favorite? Let me know in the comments below! Happy New Year!!

0:00 - Nixon Now! - Richard Nixon Theme Song
2:55 - Как мы стояли на Шипке - How we stood at Shipka
6:28 - Марш Нової Армії - March of the New Army (Nationalist Ukrainian March!)
10:08 - Θά 'ρθεις σαν αστραπή - You'll come as Lightning (Metaxist Spotlight)
14:31 - 抜刀隊 - Battotai
16:55 - Перемога - Victory
20:55 - Там шли два брата - Two Brothers was going there
23:27 - Stand up for America! - George Wallace 1968 Campaign Song
25:50 - Horthy Miklós katonája vagyok - I am a soldier of Miklos Horthy
29:01 - Nagy magyar nacionalista vegyes - Great Hungarian Nationalist Medley


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