Perfect Pull Up - Ido Portal

Описание к видео Perfect Pull Up - Ido Portal

Ido Portal demonstrates a classic variation of the Pull-Up long favored by strongman/boxer/bodybuilder/powerlifting/chiropractor Franco Columbo.

Contrary to modern fitness best practices and trainers this pull-up variation uses a high chest and fully retracted scapulae for maximal Lat recruitment.

Notes From Ido Portal
"The PPUP is not a Gymnastics move. The dogmatic overemphasize of gymnastics on the 'Hollow Position' and how its influences on the general public fitness scene are the type of black and white ideology that must stop.

There is no 'one optimal alignment' for all structures, tasks, movements. Alignment, postures, and positions should be tailored dynamically and statically to the task and structure at hand. That is why I preach the Investigative Approach under the Ido Portal Method and not protocol prescription.

Here is an old note about the PPUP:   / 241012849274036  

This movement is HARDER than it looks. I don't need to take my shoes off to count the number of folks I know who can touch the bar with"


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