*(1965) Chess 1936 ''Leave My Girl Alone'' (N 007-9 Master) Buddy Guy

Описание к видео *(1965) Chess 1936 ''Leave My Girl Alone'' (N 007-9 Master) Buddy Guy

''Leave My Girl Alone'' (N 007-9 Master) (Buddy Guy) (Arc Music) (3:28)
Recorded May 23, 1965 at Chess Studio, 2120 South Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois

Name (Or. No. of Instruments)
Buddy Guy - Vocals & Guitar
Aaron Corthen Reed - Tenor Saxophone
Milton Bland - Tenor Saxophone
Leonard Caston - Organ
Matt Murphy - Guitar
Leroy Stewart - Bass
Unknown – Drums
Producers: - Leonard Chess & Phil Chess & Willie Dixon
Recording Engineer - Ron Malo

In the five years since ''First Time I Met the Blues'', Guy had learned a great deal about vocals, as this beautiful, controlled performance clearly shows. The song was recorded on May 23, 1965; other band members were Aaron Corthen Reed and Milton Bland (tenor saxes), Leonard Caston (organ), Matt Murphy (guitar), Leroy Stewart (bass) and an unknown drummer.

In de vijf jaar sinds ''First Time I Met the Blues'' had Guy heel wat geleerd over stemgebruik, zoals uit deze mooie, beheerste uitvoering duidelijk blijkt. Het nummer werd opgenomen op 23 mei 1965; andere bandleden waren
Aaron Corthen Reed en Milton Bland (tenorsaxen), Leonard Caston (orgel), Matt Murphy (gitaar), Leroy Stewart (bas)
en een onbekende drummer.

- Digitally Remastered

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