The Incredible Virtues of Salat and Salam | Mufti Abdur-Rahman ibn Yusuf

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Part of human nature is to feel a sense of indebtedness and display gratitude for the one who has done a kind favour upon you. The Noble Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) sent as mercy to all the worlds, is undeniably our greatest benefactor. His sacrifice, concern and compassion for the ummah are not unkown to us.

The Shaykh mentions the meritorious act of sending durood, a good few of its virtues and how this is the key in gaining closeness to the Noble Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wasallam).

Some points taken from the Majlis of Mufti Abdur-Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera regarding sending blessings on the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) on 15/11/19.

Who have we benefited from most out of the entire Creation?
Undoubtedly the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). The best way to express our gratitude to him is to do that which the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) taught us himself.
Send blessings on him! It is almost an obligation that we must do this. Not only does this benefit him but us as well. We are indebted to him.

The Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) said "Whoever sends one blessing upon me, Allah will send ten blessings upon him." (hadith) It is sufficient just to get one of these blessings. This is Allah's way to keep us connected to him. We become closer to Allah by being close to the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace). Your invoking blessings upon him is praying for yourself.
The Prophet said that the closest to him on the day of judgement will be those who invoke the most blessings on him. (hadith)

The virtues for sending blessings on the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) are numerous. Some are listed below (some from hadith, some from experience):

Allah and the Angels send mercy on the person
The person's wrongdoings are expiated
The person's good deeds increase
The person's status is elevated in the sight of Allah
The blessings themselves seek forgiveness for the invoker
Eight qirat (a qirat is equal to Mount Uhud) of reward allotted to him
Whoever makes it a regular regimen, Allah will take care of their every need, in this world and the next
It is superior to fleeing slaves
It will be a source of protection on the day of judgement
The Prophet will testify on the invoker's behalf on the day of judgement
The person will be protected from the wrath of Allah
The person will be honoured with presence at the hawd
The person will be protected from thirst on the day of judgement
The person will cross the Siraat with speed
The person will be shown his abode in paradise before his death
Wealth is increased
More than a hundred needs of the person is fulfilled
Removes hardship of poverty
The person gains closeness to the Prophet
The person's Progeny benefits from the salawat
It provides assistance against one's enemy
It Keeps the heart from becoming rusty
It generates love for the invoker from other people
The person will see the Prophet in a dream InshaAllah
It is one of the most blessed and exalted actions for the deen
The person's concerns will be taken care of and sins forgiven
The Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) said, "If you send blessings at my grave, I hear it directly. If you send it away from my grave, the Angels convey it to me" (hadith).

One should Invoke blessings on the Prophet before and after duas.

ACTION Mufti Abdur-Rahman generally recommends everyone to recite salawat 100 x every morning and evening but for those who want to start should try to start with 10 x immediately upon waking up and before sleeping.

May Allah grant us the love for the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) and make him the most beloved to us, even more so than our own parents, spouse and other loved ones.

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