How To: Playstation 3 Yellow Light of Death Repair

Описание к видео How To: Playstation 3 Yellow Light of Death Repair

In this video, iFixit's MJ demonstrates how to use their PlayStation 3 Yellow Light of Death repair kit. This kit will repair the Yellow Light of Death when caused by overheating.

The kit provides all the necessary components to fix the "Yellow Light of Death" error on PlayStation 3 Consoles. This kit will work on any model of PlayStation 3, excluding PlayStation 3 Slim. The kit includes a heat gun, one tube of Arctic Silver Ceramique Thermal Paste, a complete set of replacement thermal pads, a spudger, a 26 piece bit driver kit, a T10 Torx security screwdriver, and a thermal paste spreader card.

You can find the YLOD Repair Kit here:

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