IPSi Print Lab - Epson C6000P: DPR Roll-To-Roll Kit Setup & Demo (4K)

Описание к видео IPSi Print Lab - Epson C6000P: DPR Roll-To-Roll Kit Setup & Demo (4K)

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Your kit contains:
1 Printer plate
1 Unwinder
1 Rewinder
1 Spacer plate.
2 AC adapter power cables.

Next let's take our unwinder, which is the one that has the gap underneath. We're going to take these two screws out here & here, & then we're going to set it behind the printer. It may be a little hard to see, but there's a triangle here on the unwinder and a triangle here on the printer plate. The easiest way to get these to line up is to match up those triangles. From there, you should have a pretty easy time getting these screws back into the printer plate. You'll want to tighten the screws down all the way, because the unwinder needs to be able to move back and forth, to allow the paper to feed effortlessly into the printer, coming around to the back of the setup, we're going to remove these two screws, just like we did in the front, then we're going to take our printer spacer & line it up with those holes so that we can screw these back in. You can make them as tight as possible because we won't be moving this plate around.
Finally, get the rewinder for the printer & remove these two screws like we did with the unwinder.

Once again, using the triangle, we're going to line it up with our spacer plate & re-insert our screws. Don't tighten these screws down all the way just yet, because we're going to want our paper path to be as straight as possible. Now all we have to do is take our power cables, run them to a regular outlet and then plug them in. So the rewinder and the unwinder set up should look something like this. Let's go over the process of loading a roll of labels. The first thing we'll have to do is remove these media shield.s In order to do this, unscrew the knob on the end of the media holder until the silver plate backs out enough that you can remove the media shield, set that aside for now, and we'll do the same with the rewinder. Next, we're going to take our roll of labels with a three-inch core, slide it on, & make sure you lift up this bar and get the labels underneath. I'll show you in one second what that does. In the meantime, you can take your shield, put it back onto this, make sure it's tight against the labels, but not too tight so that it pinches them. & then you can screw this back in. You should feel it tense up a little bit and you won't be able to move the shield. That's how you know it's in place.

Before we load our media, there is something in the printer settings that we need to change so that it recognizes the media correctly. Go into your media settings by hitting OK. On the menu, make sure your media detect is correct. In this situation I am using gap labels. So I'm going to leave that alone. Our media source, however, is probably default set to internal. We're going to click that and change it to rear feed. Now, if you're using the unwinder and rewinder, you are going to want to be using roll media form. You can hit home and your printer should tell you it's time to load the paper. Or if it's paused, it'll say pause. Make sure you unpause it if it is paused.

Coming back around to the rear of the printer, let's go ahead & take our labels in one hand making sure that they are still under that metal bar & hit the on/off button on the unwinder. You'll notice now that when you move the bar, the unwinder responds to the tension, this is what allows the labels to be sent through the printer. Holding those labels, we're going to use the back latch of the printer to open it up. We're going to take the leading edge of the labels & feed it in gently until we feel the printer take the media from our hands. Now it's in place. You can make sure your outer media guide is adjusted appropriately. In my case, it is just a four-inch label, then we can close the media cover.

Now that the media settings are in, we can unpause our printer & get our peel-and-present mechanism set up. We send our first print job. Now, after sending a few print jobs, you'll notice that your liner is beginning to get pretty long. This is where the rewinder comes in handy. Taking the rewinder from the front of the printer, we can begin feeding it under the printer along its path to the rewinder. We have the leading edge of our backing paper all the way back to the rewinder, now we can attach it to the media holder. The easiest way to do this is by taking an old empty core and sliding it on, then take the media liner, making sure that it's underneath this metal tension rod, bring it up, then take an old label, stick it onto the liner & stick it on to the empty core. Next we're going to take our media shield, slide it on. So it's tight, but not too tight. That way the media stays somewhat in place & we can turn on. As it gains tension, the rod will move up & tell the rewinder where to stop.

Music: "Creative Minds" from Bensound.com


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