What If Anakin Skywalker Becomes a Mandalorian Jedi

Описание к видео What If Anakin Skywalker Becomes a Mandalorian Jedi

What if Anakin Skywalker was MANDALORIAN and STILL became a Jedi? Let's explore the depths of it in this video.

Shmi Skywalker looks up at her newest master and tries to hide her fear as the grizzled warrior paces the starship, stepping over the bodies of the pirates who had captured them.

At her side is her three-year-old son, Anakin looks at the warrior who meets his gaze. Whether it's curiosity or bravery, the Mandalorian respects the child's boldness.

Pre Vizla smiles and calls Shmi forward, saying she and her son will serve him directly. For the next seven years, the Skywalkers will serve as Pre Vizla's servants, following him on campaigns, and joining him in exile on Concordia as he is assigned as its new governor.

Anakin grows up surrounded by the warriors, watching them as they spar and battle each other. This enamors the young boy who longs to earn his suit of armor.

While that would be a dream for most, Anakin displays the talent that gets his captor's attention. As a talented mechanic, Anakin can repair damaged equipment, a skill that makes him invaluable to the Mandalorians. The second is his fearlessness as he is the only servant willing to fight back against the guards.

During one incident, a guard attempts to punish Shmi for poorly preparing his meal. He walks up and attempts to hit her, but Anakin steps forward. Laughing, the guard tries to give Anakin a backhand but he ducks under the attack and shoves the Mandalorian back. To his surprise, the blow sends the warrior flying into a set of crates as Anakin accidentally channels the Force.

The other warriors prepare to attack Anakin but Pre Vizla orders them to stop. Instead, he takes Anakin to his chambers and asks him how he did that. The boy says he has no idea, something the warrior believes, and explains that he thinks Anakin is Force-Sensitive.

Pre Vizla: There are beings across the galaxy who can channel a power called the Force. This can allow them to form incredible feats like you did earlier.

Anakin: Are you saying I am one of these beings?

Pre Vizla: With enough training, yes. But I've noticed how you've looked at my warriors. I take it you wish to join us?

Anakin: It's my dream, master.

Pre Vizla smiles as he looks at the idealistic young boy. He had noticed the boy's admiration of the Mandalorian warriors for some time. With these powers, he saw an opportunity to mold him into a powerful warrior.

Pre Vizla: Then I will make you a foundling, my boy, on the condition that you pledge your services to Death Watch.

For Anakin, this was an easy choice as it was his opportunity to leave his life as a slave behind. The two clasp hands, allowing Anakin and his mother to go free in exchange for his service to Death Watch.

Anakin is now trained under Bo Katan. He benefits from his mechanical skills and natural aggression, but the leader of the Nite Owls instills discipline and skills in firearms, blades, and explosives.

He quickly proves to be a natural fighter, further aided by his Force abilities. Without a Jedi to train him, Anakin has to rely on ancient texts to understand his powers. This makes mastering the Force slower but allows Anakin to get an edge over his fellow warriors and quickly becomes one of the best fighters in Death Watch.

However, while his skills would develop, Pre Vizla would become jealous of his success. Anakin was perhaps one of the few people who could outmatch him and would pose a threat to his rule over Death Watch. That is why he began to search for ways to get rid of him.

This comes at a fortuitous time as Pre Vizla comes into contact with Count Dooku, leader of the CIS who promises to use his Separatist armies to help retake Mandalore, but only if they can inflame tensions and force the Republic to intervene, allowing the Death Watch to appear as liberators. To accomplish this, Satine must be killed.

Anakin is sent to Coruscant to accomplish the mission. However, Satine's death proves to be more difficult as his first two attempts fail and she even receives a recording that might persuade the Republic to stand down.

He follows Duchess Satine to a plaza where she hands over this recording to a Jedi. Anakin quickly realizes he must act now and lobs a thermal detonator at them. However, the Jedi manages to save them and ignite his lightsaber just as Anakin fires his blaster. He only gets a few shots before the Jedi slices his blaster in half.

Tossing it aside he ignites his flame thrower and manages to singe the Jedi's cloak, forcing him to discard it and reveal Obi-Wan Kenobi. Diving under the fire, Obi-Wan aims a blow at Anakin, but his Beskar armor protects him from the cuts. Undeterred, Obi-Wan unleashes a flurry of attacks that disorient Anakin and force him back.

Snarling in anger, he unleashes a wave of the Force that throws Obi-Wan back. Shocked at this, the Jedi counters with his own attack. Being more experienced, he sends Anakin flying who knocks his head against


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