뜨끈뜨끈한 돌솥비빔밥 너무 맛있어[비빔밥 맛있게 만드는 비법]Hot stone pot bibimbap is so delicious[Korean cuisine]

Описание к видео 뜨끈뜨끈한 돌솥비빔밥 너무 맛있어[비빔밥 맛있게 만드는 비법]Hot stone pot bibimbap is so delicious[Korean cuisine]

뜨끈뜨끈한 돌솥비빔밥 맛있게 만드는 비법
비법이라고 하니까 뭔가 특별해보이지요
작은 팁들이지만 꼭 필요한 팁이라 비법이라고 써보았어요

날이 추워지니 뚝배기가 생각나는데요
돌솥비빔밥은 비빔밥을 뜨끈뜨끈하고 또 누룽지도 함께 먹을 수 있어서 인기가 높아요

한국요리 중 손꼽히는 비빔밥을 뚝배기에 담아보았어요

많은 시청부탁드립니다

돌솥비빔밥이니까 뚝배기나 돌솥은 있어야겠죠?


밥1공기, 호박1개, 양파1/2개, 당근1/2개,
돼지고기나 소고기200g, 콩나물, 시금치,
버섯, 계란, 대파, 마늘, 고추장, 참기름, 소금, 후추, 통깨


간장2스픈, 참기름1스픈, 맛술1스픈, 생강가루1티스픈, 물엿1스픈, 대파, 마늘, 통깨

How to make hot stone pot bibimbap delicious
Well, the secret looks special.
It's a small tip, but it's a must-have tip, so I wrote it down as a secret.

The cold weather reminds me of a earthen pot.
Dolsot bibimbap is very popular because it is hot and you can eat nurungji with it.

I put bibimbap, one of the best Korean dishes, in a earthen pot.

Please watch the show a lot.

Since it's stone pot bibimbap, we need a earthen pot or stone pot, right?


1 bowl of rice, 1 pumpkin, 1/2 onions, 1/2 carrots,
Pork or beef 200g, bean sprouts, spinach,
Mushrooms, eggs, green onions, garlic, red pepper paste, sesame oil, salt, pepper, and sesame seeds.

meat seasoning

2 spoons of soy sauce,
1 spoons of sesame oil,
1 spoons of cooking wine,
1 teaspoon of ginger powder,
1 spoons of starch syrup,
green onion, garlic, sesame

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#DolsotBibimbap #Bibimbap #Ttukbaegi #HowtomakeDolsotBibimbap
#Howtomakeitdelicious #DolsotBibimbap #Deliciousfood #Koreanfood


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