рассказ об игре roblox - хребет доритос (анимация)

Описание к видео рассказ об игре roblox - хребет доритос (анимация)

►🕊️Twitter:   / robotzr  
►😃Discord:   / discord  
►💬Roblox Group: https://www.roblox.com/My/Groups.aspx...
►Merch: https://www.roblox.com/catalog/?Categ...

This is the story of a man with a strange addict of eating Doritos chips. When they lacked Doritos, they went to the store and realized that they ran out of Doritos. His friend jokingly gave him an absurd suggestion and the man took it seriously. They went to the factory and make up a heist. What will happen? Explosions, gun shots, robot fights, sneaking, etc.! Will they succeed? Watch the video to see 😉

-R_obotz ✨

All reaction videos are fine as long as you're not watching silently the full video with tons of ads. Please include the video link in the description and it should be all fine. If ever there's an issue, I'll contact you. 😉

🎵Music Used🎵
►Introduction:    • Epic Adventure  Music - Secrets [Roya...  
►Action Part:    • Видео  
►Final Part:    • Видео  
🎵Intro Music: Kontinuum - Lost (JJD Remix)
►Link:    • Kontinuum - Lost (feat. Savoi) (JJD R...  

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